Game developer specialized in Unity/C#, a life long gamer and very motivated to make what I enjoy about games real for others. I want to help build experiences that bring people together through enjoyable gameplay. The same as was done for me from the games I grew up on and currently play.
See below to view my personal game dev related projects.
FPS / Survival
Using existing art assets and existing character controller, I was able to program all the game logic, setup sfx, vfx, ui, etc in just about 8 hours while also challenging myself to use Unity's nav mesh system for AI based navigation which was a new tool for me.
This game is a fps where the player must stop the enemies from reaching the end of the level which is located at the top of a 3 story building. Destroy enemies using the rifle the player is equipped with and/or by shooting exploding barrels near enemies. Each enemy is assigned a random hiding spot where they hide for a random amount of time, before heading for the end which can keep the players on their toes as they have to keep track of where the enemies are. A loss occurs if 50% of the enemies reach the end. A win occurs if the player kills all enemies. Either way there is an option to restart at the end.
There are destroyable barriers that regenerate after about 2 seconds, protecting the enemy from at least 1 shot. The enemies are also setup with animations for running, hiding, and dying. Exploding barrels can only be destroyed once and take out multiple enemies, so use them wisely.
Here is the download if your interested: https://murkes.itch.io/robot-i...
Space Explorer
In this 3d simulator you have the ability to control a spaceship and fly around an asteroid field.
This project was a way for me to put my Cinemachine and Timeline skills to the test. There are multiple Cinematic shots, and Timeline sequences, some that take control away from the player and others that trigger live (in-game) events. The end result is a beautiful and relaxing experience that's tied together by cinematic sequences, music and HDRP level visuals. The simulator is playable on windows desktop.
Here is the download if your interested: https://murkes.itch.io/space-s...
This is a 2D game with a Galaga feel to it. The gameplay consists of the player trying to survive as long as possible and achieve as many points as possible while the enemies spawn in waves. They will have ammo and lives to keep track of. There are multiple types of pickups that spawn that can either positively or negatively effect the player like heat seeking missiles, shields, freeze, etc.. The pickups spawn randomly based on their rarity. Also there are multiple types of enemies. Including a boss wave. After the boss wave is completed the game is all about surviving as long as possible with enemies spawning quicker. There are sfx and animations for different objects as well.
The game is playable in your browser here if your interested: https://murkes.itch.io/galaxy-...
Game Title: "Don't Turn Back"
This game jam went from March 4th, 2022 - March
14, 2022. The theme was "Darkness". I created a 2D
platformer focused on speed running, where you had to continue moving or the
darkness would consume you. It has some very intense gameplay put into a
"small" area.
Don't Turn Back is available to download for 29mb at
This project isn't a full blown game as of now. Instead it was the result of me learning more in depth how lighting works in Unity and for me to increase my game design skills as well.
This scene includes: Global Volume, Post Processing, Volumetric Lighting, Reflection Probes, Density Volumes, Light Probes, Spot Lights, Point Lights, Dust Particles, Decals, Fog and more.
project isnt a full blown game as of now. Instead it was a result of me
learning more in depth how lighting works in Unity and for me to
increase my game design skills as well. I have a URP version as well but
the HDRP version will be shown here.
This scene includes: a Global Volume, Post Processing, Volumetric Lighting, Reflection Probes, Light Probes, Spot Lights, Point Lights, Decals, Fog and more.